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Publications and Conferences

ADAPTED conferences
As part of ADAPTED yearly meetings SDG Fora will provide the central platform for knowledge exchange and networking among ADAPTED members and beyond. SDG-Fora will be open for PhD candidates and research staff of the respective hosting institution and for local non-academic partners. The ADAPTED final conference will be held as a public event.

  • SDG Forum 1 - Agenda setting took place at Ruhr University Bochum in February 2022
  • SDG Forum 2 - Discussion of research designs took place at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam from 28 November to 2 December 2022 in The Hague, Netherlands
  • SDG Forum 3 - Discussion of preliminary findings took place at Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France from 26 February to 1 March 2024
  • ADAPTED final conference - Presentation of results to the wider public from 25 to 28 November 2024 in Gordon's Bay, South Africa


Conference participation of ADAPTED members

On 26-28 June, 2024, Ahmed El Assal, Beatrice Gibertini, Guido Maschhaupt, Irene Among and Petronilla Wandeto attended the 2024 Conference of the Development Studies Association (DSA) at SOAS, University of London, and held presentations on their individual research projects.

On 17-19 March, 2024, Beatrice Gibertini (ESR 2) presented a chapter authored together with Anja Benshaul-Tolonen and Maty Konte at the 2024 CSAE Conference at the University of Oxford, UK. Beatrice's presentation "African Mining Economies and the Gender Gap in Political Participation" was part of a panel discussion on "Natural Resources and Environment."

Natalia Zakharchenko (ESR 11) attended the International Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Conference in Ghent, Belgium, in December 2023. At this event, Natalia presented a poster on accountability, discussing her theoretical research on accountability in socio-economic rights with interested conference attendees.

On November 13 and 24, 2023, Beatrice Gibertini (ESR 2) attended the 19th Development Dialogue (DD19) Conference organised by PhD candidates of the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in The Hague. There, Beatrice presented her research findings from within a movement against extractivism in the context of the mining sector in South Africa.

On September 27 and 28, 2023, Ahmed El Assal (ESR 13) presented his preliminary research findings from his extensive fieldwork conducted in Uganda over the past months at a research workshop organised by the Open University, UK. The workshop was jointly organised by the Centre for the Study of Global Development (CSGD), OU, and the Chronic Poverty Advisory Network (CPAN) of the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) in collaboration with the DSA/ EADI Multidimensional Poverty and Poverty Dynamics Working Group

On Friday, 21 July 2023, Natalia Zakharchenko (ESR 11) and her supervisor Prof. Dr. Markus Kaltenborn held a presentation at the annual conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Under the general theme of the event “Socio-Economics in a Transitioning World: Breaking Lines and Alternative Paradigms for a New World Order,” the ADAPTED participants discussed the potency and challenges in operationalizing the principle of accountability in human rights from a legal perspective. The panel was convened by Zophia Edwards (John Hopkins University) and Jason Jackson (the Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and proposed to take stock of the recent critical turns and their implications for the study of development.

The members of the ADAPTED Work Package 3 'Optimizing the Impact of Poverty Reduction Policies', Natalia Zakharchenko, Irene Among, Ahmed El Assal, Petronilla Wandeto and Guido Maschhaupt have convened a roundtable discussion at the 2023 EADI General Conference on July 13, in Lisbon, Portugal. The title of this year's EADI's General Conference was 'Towards New Rhythms of Development', the roundtable convened by WP3 was titled 'Politics of Social Protection in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Luiza Leite de Queiroz (ESR 9) was offered the opportunity to participate in the 2023 Conference of the International Centre for Tax & Development (ICTD). The conference took place from June 5 to 7 in Nairobi, Kenya and the theme was "Global Tax Governance at Crossroads." The ICTD hosted the event in cooperation with local universities and invited academics and key actors in tax policy and administration.

On 24 and 25 November 2022, Natalia Zakharchenko (ESR 11) participated in the 15th Melbourne Doctoral Forum on Legal Theory (DFLT-15), an annual interdisciplinary workshop at Melbourne Law School, Melbourne, Australia. The event engaged both graduate students as well as early career researchers “to think critically, methodologically and theoretically about law and legal theory”. In the framework of the Forum’s theme – Law, Text, and Contrapuntal Reading - Natalia presented her article on contrapuntal reading of accountability in international law.

On 18 October 2022, Ahmed Elassal (ESR 13), Petronilla Wandeto (ESR 14) and Guido Maschhaupt (ESR 15) delivered presentations at the 18th Development Dialogue. The title of this year's virtual conference was "Doing Development Differently." Ahmed and Petronilla were also part of the conference organizing committee.

On 20 September 2022, Luiza Leite de Queiroz (ESR 9) delivered a presentation at the 2022 Global Tax Symposium hosted by the McGill University Montreal, Canada. Luiza delivered a presentation on "What normativity for inter-nation equity? Human Rights as compass and Sustainable Development Goals as the lingua franca in international tax justice."

On 1 September 2022 Valentine Nandako Masika (ESR 6) delivered a presentation "Is China's infrastructure footprint in Sub-Saharan Africa good for sustainable development?" at the 2022 Postgraduate Conference titled "Crossing the borders of knowledge" organized by the Center for Postgraduate University of Rhodes University.

Petronilla Wandeto (ESR 14) presented a joint research with Ahmed Elassal, and Guido Maschhaupt on "Exploring donor trade-offs in semi-authoritarian regimes: political consequences of cash assistance programs in Egypt, Ethiopia, and Uganda" at the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference at the University of Innsbruck on 25 August 2022 as part of the panel "Democratic innovations".

Guido Maschhaupt (ESR 15) gave a presentation on "Reform coalitions in neopatrimonial states: case studies into policy conflict in democratic low-income countries" at the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference at the University of Innsbruck on 25 August 2022 as part of the panel "Institutions and policy conflict".

Eszter Szedlacsek (ESR 8) delivered a presentation "Climate-poverty nexus in Sub-Saharan Africa: the transformative potential of governing SDG interlinkages, synergies and trade-offs" at at the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference at the University of Innsbruck on 24 August 2022 as part of the panel "Transformative governance for the Sustainable Development Goals".

In the same panel, a paper "Transformative Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Towards a Common Conceptual Understanding" co-authored by Philipp Pattberg, supverisor of the ADAPTED ESR 8 project, and other members of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam has been presented.

Ahmed Elassal (ESR 13) gave a presentation on "Shrinking civic spaces: the skewing role of civil society organisations and the state in promoting youth political participation in Egypt" at the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference at the University of Innsbruck on 22 August 2022 as part of the panel "Public policy and the global south".

Johann Langenbach (ESR 7) took part in the NAVIGATE-CHIPS Stakeholder workshop on climate policy and just transition on 16th June in Paris organized by organised by the EU H2020 project NAVIGATE and the JPI AXIS project CHIPS.

Irene Among (ESR 12) delivered a presentation "Building Coherent Social Protection Systems: A Comparative Legal Analysis of Mechanisms in Sub Saharan Africa" at the International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) conference convened by a consortium of six universities in Stockholm from 15th to 17th June 2022.

New Publications of ADAPTED members


Benshaul-Tolonen, Anja and Gibertini, Beatrice and Konte, Maty (2024), African Mining Economies and the Gender Gap in Political Participation, Available at SSRN: or

Kadirbeyoglu, Zeynep and Kutlu, Rabia (2024), ‘Urban sustainability transition in Turkey: drivers and barriers‘, Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'études du développement 45 (2), pp. 348-368.

Leite de Queiroz, Luiza (2024), 'A link without a right, or ubi nexus, ibi jus (?): international human rights instruments & international tax policy', Transnational Legal Theory 15 (2), pp. 201-235.

Maurel, Mathilde and Berthelemy, Jean-Claude (2024), ‘A sky view evaluation of the impact of mini-grid projects on progress towards SDG 7‘, Journal of Development Effectiveness.

Pattberg, Philipp et al. (2024), ‘The Evolution of International Environmental Bureaucracies - How the Climate Secretariat Is Loosening Its Straitjacket‘ in: Jörgens, Helge et al. (eds.), International Public Administrations in Environmental Governance - The Role of Autonomy, Agency, and the Quest for Attention. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 57-72.


Bazillier, Rémi (2023), ‘Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Regulations, and Firms Performance‘ in: Zimmermann, K.F. (eds), Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics. Springer, Cham, pp. 1-13.

Bazillier, Rémi and Gibertini, Beatrice and Jackson, Stephen (2023), 'Gold and Diamond Artisanal Mining in Liberia: Under the Umbrella of In(Formality)?', Resources Policy, 86 (Part B), 104287.

Bukenya, Badru et al. (2023), ‘The Politics of PoEs in Uganda – Trapped Between Neoliberal State-Building and the Politics of Survival?‘, in: Hickey, Sam (ed.), Pockets of Effectiveness and the Politics of State-building and Development in Africa. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 173-205.

De Theije, Marjo and Jonkman, Jesse (2023), ‘Insurgent infrastructures: bottom-up infrastructure-building in gold-mining regions in Colombia and Suriname‘, Globalizations, 20 (6), pp. 950-966.

El Assal, Ahmed and Absali, Ilaha (2023), “Why are you not doing research in your home country?” – The complexities of being from and doing research in the Global South, Blog Article, LSE Impact Blog.

El Assal, Ahmed and Marzouk, Amr (2023), ‘Civil society organisations' public diplomacy and youth political participation in Egypt‘ in: Natil, Ibrahim (ed.), Public Diplomacy and Civil Society Organisations. Routledge, London, pp. 74-92.

Fischer, Andrew M. and Storm, Servaas (2023), ‘The Return of Debt Crisis in Developing Countries: Shifting or Maintaining Dominant Development Paradigms?‘, Development and Change, 54 (5), pp. 954-993.

Kaltenborn, Markus and Vandenhole, Wouter (2023), ‘The SDG agenda and human rights‘ in: Andreassen, Bård (ed.), Research Handbook on the Politics of Human Rights Law. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, pp. 215-236.

Karam, Azza (2023), ‘Interreligious Engagement as an Enabler of Gender Justice through the Common Good‘, The Ecumenical Review, 75 (5), pp. 451-464.

Leite de Queiroz, Luiza (2023), 'A Scientific Method for International Taxation?', Emory International Law Review Recent Developments', 38, pp. 16-31.

Pattberg, Philipp and Bäckstrand, Karin (2023), ‘Enhancing the achievement of the SDGs: lessons learned at the half-way point of the 2030 Agenda‘, International Environmental Agreements 23, pp. 107–114.

Pattberg, Philipp and Koloffon Rosas, Montserrat (2023), ‘Partnerships for SDGs: Facilitating a Biodiversity–Climate Nexus?‘ in: Partzsch, Lena (ed.), The Environment in Global Sustainability Governance: Perceptions, Actors, Innovations. Bristol University Press, Bristol, pp. 297-316.

Pattberg, Philipp et al. (2023), ‘Multi-stakeholder partnerships for the SDGs: is the “next generation” fit for purpose?‘, International Environmental Agreements 23, pp. 165–171.


Black, Anthony (2022), 'Creating employment: Can labour-intensive manufacturing work?' in: Greg Mills/ Mcebisi Jonas/ Haroon Bhorat/ Ray Hartley (eds.), Better Choices: Ensuring South Africa's Future, Johannesburg: Picador Africa.

Hout, Wil (2022): Developing Countries and the Crisis of the Liberal International Order. In Politics and Governance 10 (2), pp. 1–5.

Hout, Wil; Hutchison, Jane (2022): Development Assistance Policies and Governance. In Wil Hout, Jane Hutchison (Eds.): Handbook on Governance and Development. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, pp. 323–339.

Hout, Wil; Hutchison, Jane (Eds.) (2022): Handbook on Governance and Development. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.

Hout, Wil; Hutchison, Jane (2022): Introduction to the Handbook on Governance and Development. In Wil Hout, Jane Hutchison (Eds.): Handbook on Governance and Development. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, pp. 1–12.

Hout, Wil; Wagner, Natascha; Demena, Binyam A. (2022): Does accountability enhance service delivery? Assessment of a local scorecard initiative in Uganda. In World Development 158 (106011), pp. 1–14.

Hout, Wil; Wagner, Natascha; Namara, Rose (2022): Holding the Ugandan police to account: case study of the Police Accountability and Reform Project. In Sylvia Bergh, Sony Pellissery, C. Sathyamala (Eds.): The State of Accountability in the Global South. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, pp. 164–180.

Kaltenborn, Markus (2022), Which are the principles for the governance of a Global Financing Mechanism for Social Protection?, (01.04.2022).

Kaltenborn, Markus, Kreft, Laura (2022), Governance Principles for a Global Fund for Social Protection, Bonn/ Geneva: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V.

Leite de Queiroz, Luiza (2022), Of Mazes and Layers: Can a UN Convention on Tax Change the Rule of the Game, Blog Article, European Journal of International Law.

Thuilliez, Josselin, Rouyard, Thomas, Mano, Yukichi, Daff, Bocar Mamadou, Diouf, Serigne, Dia, Khadidiatou Fall, Duval, Laetitia and Nakamura, Ryota (2022), Operational and structural factors influencing enrolment in community-based health insurance schemes: an observational study using 12 waves of nationwide panel data from Senegal, Health Policy and Planning, pp. 1-14.


Black, Anthony (2021), 'Industrial policy in South Africa', in: Arkebe Oqubay/ Fiona Tregenna/ Imraan Valodia (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the South African Economy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 510-530.

Black, Anthony, Barnes, Justin and Monaco, Lorenza (2021), 'Government policy in multinational-dominated global value chains: Structural transformation within the South African automotive industry' in: Antonio Andreoni/ Pamela Mondliwa/ Simon Roberts/ Fiona Tregenna (eds.), Structural Transformation in South Africa: Sectors, Politics and Global Challenges, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 100-119.

Black, Anthony, Andreoni, Antonio, Barnes, Justin and Sturgeon, Timothy (2021), 'Digitalisation, industrialisation and skills development: Opportunities and challenges for middle-income countries', in: Antonio Andreoni/ Pamela Mondliwa/ Simon Roberts/ Fiona Tregenna (eds.), Structural Transformation in South Africa: Sectors, Politics and Global Challenges, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 261-285.

Black, Anthony, Winkler, Harald (2021), Creating employment and reducing emissions:Options for South Africa, SARChI Industrial Development Working Paper Series WP 2021-06. SARChI Industrial Development, University of Johannesburg,


Selected relevant publications of ADAPTED research directors

Adaman, Fikret, Burçay Erus and Burçu Yakut-Çakar (2012), An Inquiry on Introducing a Minimum Income Scheme in Turkey: Alternating Between Cost Efficiency and Poverty Reduction, Journal of European Social Policy.

Adaman, Fikret, Zeynep Kadirbeyoğlu, Begüm Özkaynak and Hande Paker (2017), The Effectiveness of Environmental Civil Society Organizations: An integrated analysis of organizational characteristics and contextual factors, Voluntas.

Biermann, Frank, Philipp Pattberg and Fariborz Zelli, editors (2010), Global Climate Governance beyond 2012. Architecture, Agency and Adaptation. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

Cornelisse, G. N. (2015), State Borders, Human Mobility and Social Equality: from Blueprints to Pathways. In L. Weber (Ed.), Rethinking Border Control for a Globalising World (pp. 80-97). (Rethinking Globalizations). Routledge.

Cornelisse, G.N. (2018), Legal pluralism in the European regulation of border control: disassembling, diffusing and legalizing the power to exclude in: Research Handbook on Legal Pluralism and EU Law (pp. 373-390), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Delaporte, Isaure, Mathilde Maurel (2016), Adaptation to climate change in Bangladesh. Climate Policy, Taylor & Francis, pp.1-14.

Eder Mine (2009), Retreating State? The Political Economy of Welfare Regime change in Turkey, Middle East Law and Governance.

Fischer, A.M. (2016), On the macroeconomics of universalistic social policy and economic and social rights, Global Social Policy 16(1), pp. 97–104.

Hartmann, Christof (2019), Overlapping Regionalism and Region-Building in Africa’ in: Arie Kacowicz / Ruth Fine / Galia Press-Barnathan (eds.), The Relevance of Regions in a Globalized World: Bridging the Social Sciences-Humanities Gap, London: Routledge, 93-121

Hout, W. (2019) The Permanent Crisis of Development Aid, in B. Jessop & K. Knio (eds) The Pedagogy of Economic Crises: Crisis Dynamics, Construals, and Lessons, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 229-243.

Kaltenborn, Markus (2017), Overcoming Extreme Poverty by Social Protection Floors – Approaches to Closing the Right to Social Security Gap, Law and Development Review 10(2), pp. 237-273.

Kaltenborn, Markus, Krajewski, Markus, Kuhn, Heike (Eds.) (2020), Sustainable Development Goals and Human Rights, Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

Loewenstein, Wilhelm and Dieter Bender (2017), Labour Market Failure, Capital Accumulation, Growth and Poverty Dynamics in Partially Formalised Economies: Why Developing Countries’ Growth Patterns are Different? Available at SSRN:

Massaro, L. & de Theije, M. (2018), Understanding small-scale gold mining practices: An anthropological study on technological innovation in the Vale do Rio Peixoto (Mato Grosso, Brazil). Journal of Cleaner Production. 204, p. 618-635

Maurel, Mathilde, Michele Tuccio (2016), Climate instability, urbanization and international migration. The Journal of Development Studies, Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

Pattberg, Philipp and Oscar Widerberg (2017), The Climate Change Regime. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228620.013.46

Rémi Bazillier (2017), Are environmentally responsible firms less vulnerable when investing abroad? The role of reputation, with Sophie Hatte and Julien Vauday, Journal of Comparative Economics 45(3), 520-543, 2017.

Sparrow, R.A, Budiyati, S, Yumna, A, Warda, N, Suryahadi, A, & Bedi, A.S. (2017), Sub-national health care financing reforms in Indonesia, Health Policy and Planning 32(1), pp. 91–101.

Thuillez, Josselin (2016), Disease and Human Capital Accumulation: Evidence from the Roll Back Malaria Partnership in Africa, with Kuecken M, Valfort M-A. Working paper. R&R in Economic Journal.

Thuillez, Josselin (2018), Pauvreté, Egalité, Mortalité: Mortality (In)Equality in France and the US. [NBER] [CEPR], With Currie J. and Schwandt H. R&R in Journal of Population Economics.

Institute of Development Research and Development Policy
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