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Ahmed El Assal

Ahmed holds an MA in Governance, Development and Public Policy from the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex. Ahmed has more than twelve years of experience in the international development sector, with a particular focus on intersections of governance, human rights, and economic justice issues. During this period, he has worked either full time or consultant with Oxfam, German Development Cooperation (GIZ), Save the Children International, Plan International, ACLED, among other regional and local civil society organizations in the MENA region. He has taken a central advisory and research role in programs supported and funded by various number of donor agencies such as DANIDA, BMZ, EU, USAID and SIDA. Ahmed also has several academic contributions on civil society and foreign aid in the MENA region. He has worked in/on several countries including Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco, Lebanon, Yemen, Libya, Syria, and Iraq.


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Institute of Development Research and Development Policy
Ruhr University Bochum
Room 2.04
Universitaetsstr. 105
D-44789 Bochum

Phone:  +49-(0)234 / 32-22418
or   32-22243
Fax:   +49-(0)234 / 32-14-294