Network-wide training
The network-wide training within ADAPTED is delivered through formats that differ in terms of ESR involvement and participation and mode of delivery.
ADAPTED’s yearly meetings are the focal points of network-wide training, which encourage personal encounter of the ESRs and face-to-face interactions of all ESRs with all beneficiaries and partners. Through tailor-made training in research as well as on transferable skills, the annual meetings allow for a continuous reflection on the individual ESR research projects and for fructifying the projects by the consortium’s multidisciplinary research agenda during SDG-Fora.
Annual meetings are complemented by
- three methodology-oriented cross-work package trainings in
Qualitative case study analysis, Design of questionnaires and interview guidelines, and Organisation and analysis of large data sets
- self-organised monthly peer-learning meetings of ESRs within the 3 work packages Validating pathways to poverty reduction,Studying interactions between poverty reduction and other policy areas, and Optimising the impact of poverty reduction-related policies
- non-academic secondments of 3-6 months for selected Early Stage Researchers with the development practice partners of ADAPTED
- field research secondments of 3-6 months for most Early Stage Researchers which are supervised by African partner universities